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The world of artificial intelligence that Shogi showed up
- Date and time
- Friday, October 13, 2017
- time
- 13:00~16:00
- Sapporo-shi Chuo-ku Kita 4-cha West 5-chome Asti 45 A
No pass: 1,500 yen (advance reservation required)
Platinum Pass / Business Pass: Free (advance advance application required)
The world of artificial intelligence that Shogi showed up
The research and development of Computer Shogi began in the mid 1970's, although the weak era continued for a long time, it was strengthened by winning the master recently by using machine learning techniques. Knowing how computer shogi became stronger and considering how human beings become stronger with computer shogi is important to consider how to associate people and artificial intelligence in the future It should be a good reference.
At this conference invited officials of chess players and computer shogi to unlock their future.
Date and time | 13: 00-16: 00 on Friday, October 13, 2017 |
place | ACU-A Room A (Kita 4-cha, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Asti 45, 16th floor) |
Entry fee | No pass: 1,500 yen (advance reservation required) Platinum Pass / Business Pass: Free (advance advance application required) |

Shota Chida Six stages
Shota Chida Six stages
ShogiThe 42nd term Chess game fighting 5th game is a competition. The 42nd Shogi Awards Newcomer Award, the 44th Shogi Awards Award, Kotetsu Masuda Award, the Most Winning Award, the Most Expected Award.

Hitoshi Matsubara
Hitoshi Matsubara
Vice Chairman of the Hakodate Future University and ProfessorBorn February 6, 1959. I am from Tokyo. 1981 Graduated from Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. 1986 Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Completed Doctoral Program in Information Engineering. Doctor of engineering. In the same year entered the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Technical Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (now National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology). 2000 Hakodate Future University Professor. Vice Chairman of Future University University Hakodate 2016. I am interested in artificial intelligence, game informatics, tourism informatics etc. In his book "Progress of Computer Shogi", "Astro Boy is Realized", "Reading Brain", "Introduction to Tourism Information Studies", etc. Prior Artificial Intelligence Society President, Director of IPSJ, Board of Tourism Information Society. President of Future Share Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President.

Keisuke Tsuruoka
Keisuke Tsuruoka
Associate Professor, The University of TokyoBorn in 1974. 2002 Doctoral program at Tokyo University graduate school. Doctor (Engineering). In the same year, a researcher at the Japan Science and Technology Corporation. In 2006, he was a researcher at the University of Manchester, UK. In 2009, Associate Professor, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo since 2011. He is engaged in research on natural language processing, game AI, etc. Shogi program "Fingers" developer.

Freelance (Go, Shogi Programmer)1993年将棋プログラムYSSがAI将棋として市販化 1995年東北大学工学部卒業。 世界コンピュータ将棋選手権で優勝3回。 共著「コンピュータ囲碁 ―モンテカルロ法の理論と実践―」「人間に勝つコンピュータ将棋の作り方」

Ito Tsuyoshi
Ito Tsuyoshi
Associate Professor, University of Electro-Communications1994 Completed doctoral course at Nagoya University Graduate School of Information Engineering. Doctor of engineering. Since 1994, he is an assistant to the Faculty of Electrical Communication from the University of Electro-Communications. Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, 2010. He is engaged in research on thinking processes of humans who play games. In Shogi, we analyzed the cognitive data of many professional shogi players, including Hanyu two crowns. In "AKARA 2010" which fought with the Shimizu Female Female Major in 2010, we proposed a consultation algorithm and introduced it. Recently, I am interested in research such as game AI to entertain humans and learning support.
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