HPH 2017 Forestry × IT Hackasson in Ikeda-cho
- Date and time
- 2017年9月9日(土)10:00 - 9月10日(日)17:00
- Ikeda-cho, Hokkaido
HPH 2017 Forestry × IT Hackasson in Ikeda-cho
What is HPH 2017
HPH stands for Hokkaido Primary Industrial Hackathon (Hokkaido Primary of Industory Hackathon), a project by Hackasonon set in Hokkaido's primary industry.
We will make full use of the participants' knowledge, ideas and technical capabilities, and create ICT services, systems and applications that will contribute to the development of the primary industry overnight.
In 2017 it was held to be held in Ikeda Town by the proposal of the Ikeda Town Forestry Group. HPH has been holding every year since 2015, this time it is the third time. Forestry in 2016 Hackasson has been born with the development and commercialization of prototypes (prototypes) created at the event continuously.
ICT's work is currently concentrated in large cities, but ICT engineers are looking for a place where they can play an active part in the area. HPH aims to create a place for ICT to be utilized in primary industries in Hokkaido and provide opportunities for local ICT engineers to be active.
※ What is Hackasson?
Engineers (programmers, designers) and people related to the theme (such as forestry officials this time) gathered in one place, prototyping services, systems, applications, etc. with the idea of multiplying the primary industry and ICT technology The event to create.
The forestry industry in Japan is attracting attention due to the maturity of forest resources. Looking to local forestry which is the actual production site, we have various problems such as efficiency of work, improvement of safety, lack of workers, and we are seeking solutions.
Although ICT technology is considered promising to solve these problems, the current situation is that utilization of ICT is delayed in the forestry and wood industry. Meanwhile, ICT engineers in local urban areas are looking for a place where they can play an active part in the area where they live, not in Tokyo.
Therefore, this Hackasson's theme is to make a chance to introduce and utilize ICT to regional forestry, and to recognize forestry as a place where local ICT engineers can play an active part.
To unravel these issues, we made places where forestry officials and ICT engineers gather. Based on the forestry and sawmaking industry in Ikeda Town, consider "now" and "future" of regional forestry and build a service to solve the current problem.
I hope that this effort leads to solving national issues as well as the region.
Date and time | 2017年9月9日(土)10:00 – 10日(日)17:00 |
Venue | Ikeda-cho adjoining welfare center |
credit | Organized by: Hokkaido Primary Industry Hackasson 2017 Executive Committee Co-organizer: Ikeda-cho / Ikeda-cho Forestry Group Sponsor: Hokkaido / Forestry Agency Hokkaido Forestry Administration Bureau / General Association Hokkaido Mobile Content · Business Association / Intercross Creative Center Cooperation: General Association Hokkaido Open Data Promotion Council / Linked Open Data Challenge Japan Executive Committee / General Association LOCAL Special cooperation: No Maps Executive Committee |
HPH 2017 Forestry × IT Hackasson in Ikeda-cho