Open Port Club - Artist Residency Program Showcase
Date and time |
Friday, October 13, 2017 OPEN / START 18: 00 |
Venue |
MIRAI.ST cafe & kitchen |
Official WEB page |
Open Port Club |
Open Port Club - Artist Residency Program Showcase
Open Port Club is an intercity exchange project between Berlin and Sapporo through music. On August 30th - September 8th this year, we held an artist / resident program focusing on electronic music at Sapporo. The program is based on Tenjinyama Art Studio. Two artists from Leroy Pramuk and Jessica Ekomane from Berlin, one from Hokkaido to Why She ?, participated in a joint work with a total of three artists.
Three of them gather again in Sapporo and we will show live performance at MIRAI.ST cafe & kitchen on Friday, October 13. In addition to each solo live set, songs co-produced by three artists at this artist residency program will also be scheduled for performance. Admission is free. It was held at the same venue on the dayFuture Sound InterfacePlease join us and have fun!

- 10月12日(木)19:00〜 DOMMUNE配信決定!!
Open Port Club Presents To celebrate the opening of the Artist Residency Program 2017, we will distribute the Open Port Club special feature program from DOMMUNE studio in Shibuya, Tokyo. In addition to the performance by three resident participating artists, Jenny Kaori, an illustrator who is increasingly popular with talks, also participates. It is a must-see for both streaming delivery and studio viewing! ! !
2017/10/12 (Thurs) 19: 00 ~ 21: 00 Open Port Club Presents
Artist Residency Program 2017 Commemorative program "Open Port Club - Sapporo Meets Berlin"
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Appearance artist
Lyra Pramuk
Lyra is a singer, composer, producer and performance artist. She was born and raised in a rural Pennsylvania province, studied classical music in northern New York State, and has been based in Berlin for the past three years. In her solo work and collaboration, he embodies the search of his sensual mysticism and transcendental appearance within the global capitalism and the unprecedented digital realm of corporateization. In both personal and artistic practice, Lyra makes itself a central driver of self-fulfillment and all positive and collective actions by dedicating itself to emotion, empathy, listening.Jessica Ekomane
Jessica Ekomane's creative activities are centered around music and sound installations. She creates a situation where sound acts as a transformational element for space and audience. This makes it possible to touch her musical composition aimed at pursuing the Tarsis effect which transforms between noise and melody and our perception of rhythmic structure.Why She?
Why She?は北海道帯広市出身のスローアーティスト(シラキカツヒロ)によるアートプロジェクト。 彼のアートスタイルは『スローライフ』を体現し、エレクトロミュージック、インテリなギターフレーズといった音楽からライブペインティング、デザイン、コミュニティに至るまでそのジャンルは多岐に渡る。 札幌の喧騒をスケートボードで縫っていく一方で、穏やかな自然の麓、余市川の側に佇む古い小屋で創作に向かい冬眠し、雪解けとともに畑を耕し過ごす。都市の交差点と田舎の畑を行き来するライフスタイルのコントラストこそWhy She?のアートの本質である。 彼の音楽を含むアート作品は、街を交錯する人々の足跡のようであり、深い森の奥を彷徨う熊の足跡のようにも映る。電流がゆっくりと脈を打ち、例えそれがアップビートであっても、木漏れ日の中でうたた寝を誘うものである。Credit
ORGANIZER:No Maps CommitteeSUPPORT:Goethe-Institut Tokyo
PARTNER:Groove, Berlin Community Radio, FM NORTH WAVE